Late/Absence Procedures
The daily attendance of your child is a legal requirement and we have a duty to keep full attendance records together with notes explaining absences. We must, therefore, be informed either verbally or in writing of the reason for each period of absence. A phone call to school on the first day of any absence is essential, as we are legally required to chase up any children not in school when we haven’t received a message to explain why.
The law says that parents do not have the right to take their child out of school for holidays during term-time. In exceptional personal circumstances such as bereavement, the Headteacher can authorise permission for parents to take their child out of class. If you take a holiday without the school’s permission, or if your child fails to return on the agreed date this will be recorded as unauthorised absence.
We recognise that it is often expensive to take a holiday during school breaks, however, changes in the law dictate that we cannot authorise an absence for this reason and we would encourage parents to incorporate family holidays into school and bank holidays to maximise learning opportunities in school.