Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.
The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- Set the aims and objectives for the school
- Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)
Current Governors
Mrs Melody Chadwick
Joe Cox
Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities / Committees: Co - Chair of Governors, Leadership & Management, Pay, F&P, P&S, Whistleblowing, Headteacher Appraisal
Date Appointed: 10/07/2017
Appointed by: GB
Term of Office: 13/06/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%
I became a Governor in July 2017. I feel exceptionally passionate about making an active contribution to our village school in order for it to continue to succeed and improve further. With over 30 years’ experience working in the financial industry, my background in finance as well as my strong influencing and communication skills help me in this role to guide the school with planning and finance. I am deeply committed to ensuring that every child attending the school is happy, confident and becomes the best that they can be. These children deserve to be given the highest level of education and support that they can take with them as they continue on in future life
Kate Norton
Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities / Committees: Co - Chair of Governors, Leadership & Management, Pay, Staffing, SEND, Wellbeing
Date Appointed: 29/3/2021
Appointed by: GB
Term of Office: 28/3/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: My father is a governor at Cokethorpe and he is also a trustee for River Learning Trust
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%
I joined the Governing Board in March 2021 as a Co-opted Governor. Previous to this I was Chair of FACS. I am a working mum with two daughters, Lottie and Isabel who both attend Aston and Cote School. I studied Early Childhood Studies at University and from there went onto become an Event Manager at a 5* hotel in London so organisation and planning is my forte. I now work part time as Head of Business and Operations for Oxford Creativity which allows me to have a great work life balance. I joined the governing body so that I could assist with giving the best education and opportunities to the children of Aston and Cote which I believe the school can provide.
Merv Hudson
Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities / Committees: Complaints, F&P, Vice Chair, Buildings, Headteacher Appraisal, Health & Safety, Pay, Premises
Date Appointed: 25/5/2021
Appointed by: GB
Term of Office: 23/05/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%
I joined as a parent governor in 2021 and a child at the school. I work locally for an animal charity as an Estates and Facilities Business Partner and spent spend 10 years as an on-call firefighter. Before this I worked at the Dragon school in Oxford as head of facilities. I care passionately about the education of our children and although have not worked as an educator I am able to bring my particular skills on buildings, construction, facilities, H&S and environmental impact reduction to help support the school in creating a place in which the children can maximise their educational opportunities
Alastair Barnett
Foundation Governor Ex-Officio
Responsibilities / Committees: Performance and Standards Committee; Complaints Panel; Staffing Committee; Christian Character
Date Appointed: 1 June 2022
Appointed by: GB
Term of Office: 1.6.2022-31.5.2026
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Chair of Governors - The King’s School, Witney.
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committees) 100%
I lived in Aston with my wife and three young boys from 1986-1996, prior to moving away to live first in Botley and then in Witney, before returning ‘home’ to live once again in Aston from August 2019.
For most of my career, I taught at d’Overbroeck’s School in Oxford, where I was Head of History for many years, before becoming Vice-Principal. I retired from teaching in December 2021 and I am now the pastor of Aston and Cote Community Church.
I have many years’ experience as a governor of the King’s School, Witney, where I am currently in my second term as Chair of Governors, so when I retired from my teaching career I was keen to get involved in the life of the village school in any way that would be helpful. I started as a Foundation Governor (with particular responsibility for overseeing the school’s Christian Character) in spring 2022 and have really enjoyed getting to know the school better, including the opportunity to lead Collective Worship once a month. I am committed to helping ensure the school continues to provide a high-quality education in a happy, caring environment, with a clear Christian ethos.
Edward Steele
Foundation Governor
Responsibilities / Committees: Complaints, P&S, Headteacher Appraisal, SIAMS, Christian Distinctiveness
Date Appointed: 30/06/2019
Appointed by: Foundation Diocesan Board of Education
Term of Office: 29/06/2027
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%
I retired in Autumn 2013 and moved to Aston in November 2018. My background is retailing, and I have been involved in all aspects from shop floor work, project management, management of over 400 staff to Managing Director. I first became a school governor in Charlbury where I lived prior to my move to Aston. I was keen to continue this work and fortunately there was a vacancy here as a Foundation Governor. An important part of my remit as a Foundation Governor is to ensure that the school maintains its Christian Distinctiveness as a Church of England School. It is essential that we continue to provide the best learning environment possible for the children of the school
Rob Mills
Parent Governor
Responsibilities / Committees: Complaints, P&S, Safeguarding & Attendance, Marketing, Quality of Teaching and Filtering and Monitoring
Date Appointed: 8/11/2021
Appointed by: GB
Term of Office: 7/11/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Married to Claire Mills who is a Teaching Assistant at the school
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%
Having grown up in Aston before moving away, I am aware of the important role the school plays, not only in our children’s development, but also within the local community. My professional background is in education, teaching in both Further Education and HE, having previously been involved in early years. In these roles, I get to experience different types of primary provision, throughout the county. Beyond this, I have also been involved in community outreach and charity work, with a keen interest in inclusive practice. Outside of work, I enjoy quizzing and sports, particularly rugby, which I play and coach
Natasha Gray
Parent Governor
Responsibilities / Committees: Complaints, Chair of F&P, Behaviour & Attitudes, Buildings, Complaints, Marketing, Pupil Premium, EYFS
Date Appointed: 8/11/2021
Appointed by: GB
Term of Office: 7/11/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%
I was elected as a Parent Governor in November 2021 and have 3 sons attending the school. I served on FACS for 3 years prior to joining the Governing Board, and this time with the PTA massively stoked my interest in the running of the school and a desire to be involved in making the school a place where all our children want to come each day to learn and thrive as individuals. I have worked in Finance for over 20 years and qualified as a Management Accountant in 2014. My experience in working for a complex multi-national organisation has equipped me with the skills and experience required to support the school in its planning for the future. The children are our future, and the strong focus on the core Christian values of courage, love, honesty, forgiveness and respect here at Aston alongside providing children with the best education possible will help to make the world a better place, and I feel extremely privileged to have the chance to contribute to a school that will have such a positive lifelong impact on its pupils
Mr Stephen Oswald - Associate Governor
Mrs Natasha Sibley - Staff Governor
Mrs Judith Fisher - Co-opted Governor