Art & Design
In Aston and Cote primary school, we believe everyone is an artist and our curriculum offers the chance for pupils to discover and grow their talents.
Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. Pupils use colour, form, texture, pattern and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Through art and design activities, they learn to make informed value judgements and aesthetic and practical decisions, becoming actively involved in shaping environments. The use of sketchbooks within our school has become invaluable practice in where every child and Teacher can explore, experiment in a safe and positive environment. This has led to an attitude of growth mindset and enjoyment for the subject. Art and Design gives pupils opportunities to grow our Astonishing learner characteristics such as; being aspirational, tenacious and engaged.
Pupils explore ideas and meanings in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers. They learn about the diverse roles and functions of art, craft and design in contemporary life, and in different times and cultures. Pupils explore the meaning behind artists and the story that they are trying to tell.
Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts have the power to enrich our personal and public lives.
Each year group has an opportunity to grow their cultural capital by visiting an art gallery, virtual experience or by having a workshop with a expert of the field. An art club is run by the Art leader each term where pupils have the freedom to have fun and explore their talents in different ways.
We are proud to celebrate our talents within a school Arts Week based on a particular theme, such as Identity. This week entails many workshops from visiting artists and a superb Art gallery for the school and parents.
Each summer term our Year 6 pupils create an art project that remains in the school as a memory of their time with us. Past examples have included: mosaic tiles, murals, and a graffiti installation.
There is no must in art because art is free.
― Wassily Kandinsky