What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
Curriculum Intent:
Through a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, our aim is to make all aspects of teaching and learning both engaging and motivating, thus ensuring the foundations for life-long learning are firmly in place. As a school community, we celebrate the fact that we are all learners and that we should aspire to be the very best that we can be by growing our talents.
We aim to develop:
- An inclusive community where all learners grow, learn and achieve together
- High quality education within the context of Christian belief and practice
- An enjoyment of, and commitment to learning
- The essential Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Mathematical skills that are needed to access learning across the curriculum
- Opportunities for learners to read across the curriculum and to develop a love of reading
- Creativity and curiosity about the world around us
- A culture of high aspiration for all pupils regarding future career options
- An ethos that promotes and supports healthy lifestyles and positive mental health and wellbeing
- Positive learning and social behaviours through the teaching of our core Christian Values, British Values and ASTONishing Learner characteristics
- Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- An awareness of environmental issues and our responsibilities as individuals
- A rigorous process to monitoring and assessing progression
- A programme of enrichment experiences including opportunities to learn outside the classroom and to work with members of the local community
- The ability to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
Curriculum Implementation:
We have developed a cross-curricular approach to maximise links across subjects and to ensure teaching and learning is relevant and meaningful for the children. Whenever possible, class novels are linked to the topic enabling children to use knowledge gained from reading the text to inform their understanding of the topic and vice versa.
Our key stage topics have been developed using the EYFS Statutory Framework and National Curriculum. Priority is given to the development of English and Maths skills for all pupils. Our current topics have been carefully designed to incorporate the children’s interests and include opportunities to develop an understanding of:
- Our local community e.g. My Place, Your Place
- The past and lessons we can learn from it e.g. Meet the Greeks
- Our responsibilities as global citizens e.g. Amazon Adventure
- How we can each make a difference as citizens of the future e.g. STEM Week
Topics are carefully designed to capture the interests and imaginations of our children, within a local context. In order to ensure that progression and balance is maintained, the programmes of study are developed into medium-term plans which clearly highlight the learning objectives and weekly plans which include assessment opportunities and differentiated tasks as well as links to other subjects.
We use every opportunity to make connections between subjects and to develop literacy and numeracy skills in a purposeful context. RE, PE, MFL and PSHCE are usually taught as discreet subjects to ensure coverage of the main objectives and age-appropriate knowledge and skill development. This also applies to Science although where meaningful links can be made, we do so.
Curriculum Impact:
Our school vision includes the strapline “Aspiring to be the people God created us to be by growing the talents He gave us”. We strive to ensure that every child achieves his/her full potential including academically, socially and creatively. Children do well by the end of Key Stage Two when compared to local and national results as well as developing key knowledge and skills across the wider curriculum.
Our focus on developing the mental health and well-being of our children enables them to confidently deal with the difficult situations they encounter during their time at our school and beyond. Our commitment to learning outside the classroom also contributes to their health and well-being.
Through our ASTONishing Learners programme, the children develop key characteristics that will be vital in their future education and beyond. Opportunities to work collaboratively with peers and children from younger classes prepare the children for their future careers whilst the focus on global citizenship enables the children to develop a social conscience.
To find out more about our curriculum click the links below.
If you would like further information about the national curriculum, please click the link below.