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School Logo

Aston & Cote

Church of England

Primary School

Glanvill (Year 5)

Welcome to Glanvill Class!



Glanvill Class is home to Year 5 and to Mr Foster, our teacher.


In Glanvill, our learning is challenging, energetic and fun, with a strong focus on being creative and making connections across curriculums and topics. We support children in developing their skills and understanding and encourage independent thinking.

Together we study at least one, and sometimes two, whole class novels each half term linked to our termly topic.

In Glanvill, we love learning and our classroom is a vibrant and exciting environment in which to spend our days.

Our Learning Journey

This term we are exploring Ancient Greece, from the history and culture, the art and architecture and the stories and legacies. Our class book, "Who let the Gods out?" is a fun, adventurous twist on the stories from Greek Mythology. Our science topic is the Earth and our Solar system, which examines both modern understanding and Ancient thinking on the planets and celestial objects.

Topic Web for Autumn term 2024
