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Aston & Cote

Church of England

Primary School

Our Christian Values



‘Christian vision results in a school with a distinctively Christian ethos in which values underpin all school life and are championed by leadership, governors and staff.” SIAMS 2015


Aston and Cote Primary School is a Christian values-based school. Values are things we believe in that help us to make decisions about how to behave. They are the principles that guide our lives.


We have chosen the values of Love, Courage, Respect, Honesty and Forgiveness as our core school values and each value has a strong biblical link. We also focus on other values and many overlap.


At Aston and Cote, we look at the values in detail so that we all have the words to describe them to each other and know how to spot them in ourselves and in others. We will try to celebrate when people are showing values – by sharing them both on the website and in school. We encourage parents to help their child to understand values at home and we celebrate when we see values in action.


It’s not just children who need to learn about values; adults have to think about them too and sometimes need to remind themselves to slow down and think about what is really important to them. All adults at Aston and Cote try to live the values at the same time as the children: that way we can all learn together.



Values Education is not just something that helps you to learn when you are younger; it is a set of tools that you will carry with you all your life. Understanding values will help you to make difficult decisions even when you are a grown–up.
