Evans (Nursery)
Welcome to Evans Class
Classroom Teacher: Mrs Farrow
Classroom Teaching Assistant: Mrs West
Classroom Teaching Assistant: Miss Palmer
Evans Class (nursery) at Aston and Cote Primary School aim to develop creative, imaginative and independent lifelong learners through a play-based approach. We pride ourselves on catering for the individual needs of all our children and carefully plan play based learning opportunities through observing the children’s interests. Our classroom and separate garden offer year round opportunities for learning.
At Aston and Cote Primary School and Nursery we prepare children for the move to Primary School in many different ways. Our Phonics lessons are designed to develop children’s listening, vocabulary and speaking skills. Throughout early phonics children will have the opportunity to have fun with sounds, listen carefully, and learn new songs and rhymes. They will begin to explore aspects such as rhythm and rhyme, alliteration and oral blending and segmenting. This approach lays the foundation for Read Write Inc. Phonics, which the children start in their last term of Nursery.
We believe in the importance of reading daily in class and encourage parents or family members to read regularly at home. Children in Evans Class love stories and it is a great way to spend some time together.
We have three intakes per year for nursery children, September, January and April. We currently offer a 32-place nursery and these places are offered in sessions as follows:
2.5 year olds – mornings only (9 - 12)
3+ 15 hours (5 mornings or Monday and Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning or Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday, Friday)
30 hours full time (9 - 3)
Parents can purchase extra sessions if there is availability.
Nursery children have the opportunity to use our wrap around care which runs from 7.40am until 5.10pm.
Our Learning Journey
In Evans class we aim to provide children with many opportunities for learning and as such offer a two year topic plan so that all children can experience new ideas, resources and stories, whether they are with us for one year or two. The topics are used only a guide as we take our cues from what the children are interested in.
This term our topic is Awesome Autumn and Cracking Christmas.
We will be learning about seasonal changes by looking at the trees and leaves and describing the weather. We will also learn about nocturnal and hibernating animals. We will also learn the Christmas story and think about the act of giving. Our text Little Robin Red Vest supports this value.
Our Key Texts are: Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert, Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, The Scarecrows' Wedding by Julia Donaldson, Little Goose's Autumn by Elli Woollard and Briony May Smith. Our Christmas Texts are Little Robin Red Vest, Snowflake by Benji Davis and Stickman by Julia Donaldson.
Week 1- Leaf Man
We explored the leaves and seeds that had fallen off the trees. We made some leaf trifles in the mud kitchen. We looked at different leaves and found out how they were the same and different and sorted them onto our 5 frames. Which had more? Which had less?
Week 2 - Pumpkin Soup
We explored pumpkins and looked at the seeds inside. It was Remembrance Day and we watched a beautiful animation video about poppies growing.
Week 3 - The Scarecrows' Wedding
We went for a walk around school and saw lots of leaves. We listened to the crunchy sounds that they made and we saw how the trees were changing. We sang Dingle Dangle Scarecrow and made some scarecrow pictures.
Week 4 - Little Goose's Autumn
We were very busy this week. There was a lot of ice on the ground and we froze some ice sculptures. We made apple flapjacks and worked together to make sounds and patterns. We read the story The Shepherd Girl of Bethlehem and pretended to be sheep that kept on escaping!
Last term our topic was Come and Sing a Rhyme.
We will be learning to sing or say nursery rhymes, learning about people in our families as well as our emotions and likes and dislikes.
Our Key Texts are: On The Way Home by Jill Murphy, The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr, Peace At Last by Jill Murphy, Walking Through the Jungle by Julie Lacome and Nursery Rhymes: Hickory, Dickory Dock, Baa, Baa Black Sheep, Humpty Dumpty.
Week 1 and 2- We read The Colour Monster and thought about our feelings and what to do when we are feeling sad or angry. We sang If You Are Happy and You Know It, If You Are Sad and You Know IT and If You Are Angry and You Know It.
Week 3- We painted these amazing self portraits. We looked in the mirror and thought about our features.
Week 4- We explored the outdoors. We tried to find matching leaves and thought about the sounds that we can hear outside.