Garrett (Year 4)
Welcome to Garrett Class!
Class Teacher: Miss Smith
Classroom Assistant: Mrs Woolard
In Garrett Class, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is stimulating and challenging. We support children in developing the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to enable them to enjoy learning and flourish as unique individuals. Our aim is to help children grow their talents in all areas of the curriculum and reach their full potential.
Our Learning Journey
This term, our topic is 'Rotten Romans'. We will be exploring the Roman period, during the term we will visit a Roman museum as well as Roman villas in Chedworth which will allow the children to be fully immersed in their learning experience.
This term we will be exploring the text, 'Tiger Tiger' by Lynne Reid Banks. Our writing journey will provide us the opportunity to write Non-chronological reports, diary entries and balanced arguments.
Year 4 Knowledge Organisers
Year 4 topic webs
To find out more about our curriculum, follow the links below: