Stevens (Year 6)
Welcome to Stevens Class!

In Stevens class, we aim to ensure that the children reach their full potential by guaranteeing that they receive a tailored education that fills the gaps in their learning and builds on what they already know. We thrive to make all students ASTONishing learners. By giving the children a broad and balanced curriculum that progresses their understanding, we ensure that the children learn the substantive and disciplinary knowledge they will need to exceed in their next stage of education. All children are treated as unique individuals and they are given the chance to flourish by ensuring that they receive a sequential learning journey which is tailored for their needs.
In year 6, all children are given jobs that support the school, their development, their sense of pride and responsibility. Alongside our curriculum aims, we also teach the children how they can become valuable and respected members of our school community. Using the school values, we ensure that the children have the courage to be the best versions of themselves, treat everyone with respect, love and forgiveness and show honesty at all times. School is much more than academic success and we encourage all pupils to explore and grow their talents in a range of ways; both inside and outside the classroom.
Our Learning Journey
This term, our topic is ‘The War at Home’ a unit of work based on World War II and the impact that it had on Great Britain and the World as a whole. The unit allows the children to develop and use their historical skills and apply what they have learnt to their reading and writing.
In writing, children will write diaries, newspapers, narratives, non-chorological reports and biographies. They will be applying a range of key Stage 2 writing skills, so their writing is engaging and informative for their intended audience. In reading, the core text is ‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit’. This text allows the children to gain a deeper understanding of what life was like around Europe in the build-up to the war and during the war. The children will be taught how to retrieve complex information, understand unknown words (using a range of strategies), make complex inferences which are supported with a range of evidence, summarise what has happened in a text, predict what might happen based on what they have read and to evaluate author choices.
In history, children will learn how to connect and contrast trends over time, establish clear narratives and learn how to use appropriate historical terms. They will do this by building knowledge on why World War II began, who some of the key figures were, how the war impacted life at home, which countries were involved in the war and the Holocaust.
In art, children will be using sketches and paint to make pieces of art based on the works of LS Lowry. In DT, children will be given the chance to evaluate existing products before they design, make and evaluate their own Anderson Shelters.
In science, the children will be exploring a range of scientific enquiries across two units ‘The circulatory System’ and ‘Classification.
The maths learning will focus on place value, the four operations, percentages and fractions. Children will be given opportunities to develop their fluency in each aspect of the curriculum and will be given daily challenges where they can apply their learning to reasoning and problem-solving questions.
In computing, the children will learn to become ‘Amazing coders’ before learning how to create a range of spreadsheets.
Year 6 Knowledge Organisers
Year 6 Topic Webs
Useful Information